Mar 27, 2017

A better one

A woman said to her boyfriend, "Honey, I'd visited your home yesterday and I think I have to cancel our wedding."

He's shocked, then asked, "What happened!? My mom gave you a hard time?"

She replied, "No, but I met your brother."

Gotta be sure

A man's daughter was dating. He invited her boyfriend home and asked, "Do you drink?"

Her boyfriend replied, "Firstly, I need to know whether you are questioning me or inviting me."

Mar 14, 2017

Just so you know...

My wife says I'm made of copper and tellurium, because I'm CuTe.

Mar 12, 2017

Mar 8, 2017

Just so you know...

My experience taught me that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.